
are important – the most important

We believe in our teamwork and want to invest for employees,
because only in this way each of
us wants to be better condition and work better.

We prepare a development plan and in cooperation with our customers, we try to implement the best social solutions, which operate in Europe and the world and which give tangible results, and job satisfaction This puts us at the forefront of employers, is noticeable and copied.

Our social responsibilities

Stable Employment

Safe Working & Hygienic Conditions

Diversity & Equality

Complex Medical Care & Day Care Center

Freedom Association

Provision of Food During Breaks

Stable Employment

We provide stable and reasonable financial conditions. Our initiatives help our employees to develop financial responsibility. We educate on how to save and invest money wisely. We teach employees how to use the banking system, and encourage people to make  reasonable savings in order to feel safe and secure.

Safe Working & Hygienic Conditions

Ensuring the health and safety of our employees is our responsibility, which we take very seriously. In our buildings strict standards for health and safety have been set and are being observed on the basis of our established procedures. Also, working time and other applicable regulations are followed.

We communicate our goals for sustainable development and labor standards through training, which is designed especially for our employees. We regularly train our staff on how to deal with an event of fire and subsequent need for immediate evacuation of the building. We educate all employees about the importance of good health practices, with particular emphasis on the quality of drinking water which we offer in our buildings. We promote the idea of a clean and greener environment among our employees.

Diversity & Equality

We do not judge our employees for their diversity. Greater diversity in the workplace encourages creativity and innovative problem solving. We actively promote equality and do not discriminate against anyone on grounds of ethnic origin, religion or gender issue.

We are strong advocates of freedom in employment and implement strict procedures to ensure prevention of forced labor and child labor in particular.

Complex Medical Care & Day Care Center

Only healthy and committed employees guarantee a company’s success. Thanks to the program to promote health and well-being we offer a number of benefits not only to our employees but to their families too. The constant presence of a doctor at the factory allows our employees to have access to medical services for themselves and for their families. A day care center has been opened for our employees’ children.

We introduce awareness programs in all areas of family health and safety in the form of group discussions, consultations and educational films, on issues such as HIV / AIDS, reproductive health and increasing health awareness amongst women. The project is designed with input from female employees of the factory.

Freedom Association

We offer the possibility of forming trade unions and support creative activities of our employees. We believe that employee activity will contribute to the development of our company.

Provision of Food During Breaks

We arrange for break times to be of appropriate length for meals and subsidized lunches. We offer our employees nutritious and balanced food, which is an inevitable source of energy that is needed for carrying out the job. We also provide permanent access to vitally important supplies of highest-quality drinking water.

We are doing our best to make employees happy and committed to our business.